Zakourah and Alyson Introduced
Zakourah: The Teacher
Welcome. My name is Zakourah. I am a 4th generation Toreador.
I was born in ancient Egypt around the year 9025 b.c.
I know you ask how that is possible. I am a vampire.
I have lived for 11,023 years and I have seen it all.
I want you get to know me just as you shall know my friend
Enjoy your stay in my home. Tell your friends, I always
enjoy company.

Alyson: The Student
Hiya! I'm Alyson, but you can call me Aly. I am a recent high
school graduate in the *sarcastic tone* lovely city of Battle
Creek in Michigan. I enjoy the simple things. Poetry, nature
movies and just sitting at home. Some people call me boring,
I just say that I move at a slower pace than the rest of the
world. Take your time to look around before you dash to the
next thing. In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.
I will try to post some of my poetry as I write it. I hope you
enjoy it.

Worldly Passions
Zakourah: I enjoy reading books about art and music
Alyson: So do I, although, my favourite genre is fantasy.
Zakourah: You also like to read poetry, such as Walt Whitman
and Shakespeare.
Alyson: You're absolutely right. I love all such things in
the theatre. The theatre is my vice. I plan to major in
theatre in college, I want to teach it. You always have a
different experiance everytime you take the class. It's amazing.
Zakourah: You're not a very active person though, save the winter
when you take your snowboard out to the slopes, right?
Alyson: Yup, that and during the summer when I break out the rollerblades
and run around. I also love ice hockey. But, I am content to just
sit inside and read or write or play role-playing games such as
Vampire: The Masquerade. Which is how I met you, right, Zak?
Zakourah: Sure is. Say, if you enjoy the same things as Alyson,
why not find her on mIRC? She's always there. Or you could send her
a message on ICQ. Her UIN number is 4945715.

Favourite links

View My Poetry
Visit the #BlackRoseInn
KoRn's offical site

Tori Amos
Goddess of Beauty and Passion.

Email me at:

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