Welcome all of you to Tursac. I open the doors of my home to you happily. #BlackRoseInn on IRC is my home as well as yours. You can reach my home on any DalNet server. This picture here is the outside of my castle home. Lovely isn't it? Enjoy your stay in Tursac! -Zakourah, Queen of Tursac.
The first room you enter is a large ante-room where two large armed guards strip you of all you modern weapons and inform you of Elysium rules. You then enter a large room. Along the back wall are two large staircases leading to a balcony on the second floor where all the rooms are. The stairs are covered in red velvet carpet. Down the centre of the room is a red velvet carpet leading up a slight rise in stairs to a large silver throne draped in black silk. Sitting on the throne is an extremely beautiful woman with long raven hair and deeply tanned skin. She looks like a very beautifuly sculpted marble statue. Along the wall to your right is a large open hearth, surrounded by white velvet couches and armchairs. Along the wall to your left is a large oak bar and a smaller hearth surrounded by various sizes of tables and chairs. Behind the bar is a tall, attractivly gaunt man with long black hair pulled away from his face by a thin leather strap.